Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 5/29/2020 - 12:00 PM
Category: New Business and Reports to the Board
Type: Info
Subject: Equity for All 2025: Draft Strategic Plan
ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan Goal:
Goal 6: Effective and Efficient Operations
Policy: JB - Nondiscrimination in Education
Funding Source or Fiscal Impact (where applicable)
File Attachment:
Agenda Item Summary: Through the work of the Strategic Planning Committee over the past year, a five-year strategic plan has been drafted to serve as the roadmap for ACPS through 2025. The draft plan will be presented to the School Board across two sessions. The first presentation highlighted the key principles in the development of the plan, the work of the Strategic Planning Committee, and the plan’s framework as well as the division’s vision, mission, and core values. This second presentation will focus on the specific goals within the plan, associated measures designed to determine the extent to which goals are being implemented, and strategies and highlighted actions, which specify key actions to help achieve each goal.
Background: The Strategic Planning Committee has drafted a five-year strategic plan to serve as the roadmap for ACPS through 2025. After an extensive analysis of existing data and a needs assessment conducted by FourPoint Education Partners, goal areas were identified. Goal areas are the five elements that comprise the Division’s approach to ensuring equity, frame the Division’s work in meeting the KPIs, and enable the Division to track implementation progress. The goals within the strategic plan are: Systemic Alignment, Instructional Excellence, Student Accessibility and Support, Strategic Resource Allocation, and Family and Community Engagement. Within each goal, measures have been identified defining how implementation of the goal will be determined. Each goal includes strategies and highlighted actions that help to achieve each measurable goal. Throughout the development process, refinements were made to ensure the plan’s components promote equity and align with the Board’s mission, vision, and core values.
Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends the School Board review the attached ACPS 2025 Draft Strategic Plan for information and feedback.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Clinton Page - Chief Accountability Officer
Signed By:
Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. - Superintendent