Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 5/5/2016 - 7:00 PM
Category: New Business and Reports to the Board
Type: Info
Subject: Redistricting Policies
ACPS 2025 Strategic Plan Goal:
Objective 6.2 Continuous Improvement
ACPS will engage in cycles of continuous improvement at every level of the school division, and it will employ evidence-based decision-making in its consideration of process improvements, policy making, and budgeting and accountability.
Policy: BF - Policy Manual
Funding Source or Fiscal Impact (where applicable)
File Attachment:
160505_Draft_JCE-R_Redistricting_ Implementation_Regulations_v1.pdf
Agenda Item Summary: On March 10, March 16, April 7, and April 25, 2016 the School Board reviewed the following policies that may be impacted by Redistricting. Board feedback has been incorporated into these new drafts for review. (Hyperlinks to the current policies are included below for reference.)

Policy IGBJ - Academic Excellence and Educational Equity (Last revised in 2015, this policy has been updated to reflect ACPS 2020 Strategic Plan language, ACPS practice and 3/16/16 School Board feedback.)

Policy IHB - Class Size (Last updated in 2010, this policy contains minor updates.) *Revisions reflecting 4/25/16 School Board feedback appear in blue.

IHB-R - Regulations Pertaining to Class Size (Last revised in 2013, this regulation has been updated to refer to the Code of Virginia’s Standards of Quality requirements and to incorporate 3/16/16 and 4/25/16 School Board feedback.) *Revisions reflecting 4/25/16 School Board feedback appear in blue.

Policy JC/JCD – Student Placement (At the Board’s request, this new policy joins Policy JC: School Attendance Areas, and Policy JCD: Modified Open Enrollment for Elementary Schools. These policies were last revised in 2010 and 2013 respectively. The newly combined policy reflects ACPS practice regarding capacity reassignment, defines ACPS school programs, and clarifies the procedures for both intra-division transfers and student moves out of ACPS.) *Revisions reflecting 4/25/16 School Board feedback appear in blue.

JC-R/JCD-R - Regulations Governing ACPS Student Placement Options (Updated to reflect ACPS practice regarding capacity reassignment, to define ACPS school programs, and to clarify the procedures for both intra-division transfers and student moves out of ACPS.) *Revisions reflecting 4/25/16 School Board feedback appear in blue.

DRAFT Policy JCE - Redistricting Implementation (Newly proposed policy.) *Revisions reflecting 4/25/16 School Board feedback appear in blue.

DRAFT JCE-R - Redistricting Implementation Regulations (Drafted in response to a 4/25/16 School Board request, this newly proposed regulation contains the procedures for redistricting implementation and the proposed phasing-in guidelines previously found in draft Policy JCE.) *Revisions reflecting 4/25/16 School Board feedback appear in blue.

Some Board Members have requested potential, alternate language for phasing-in capacity reassignments. Such alternate language could include, “Students who are assigned and are currently attending a school other than their boundary school due to a capacity reassignment (previously referred to as MOE) will be expected to attend their newly zoned boundary school. However, parents/guardians may also choose to keep their student(s) in their current school. These students must provide a Notice of Intent by March 15th should they choose to remain in their current school. If the student chooses to remain at his/her current school, transportation will not be provided. Siblings of students who choose to remain at their current school will be allowed to attend the sibling’s school even if class size caps are exceeded.”
Background: In 2015, the Alexandria City School Board began the Redistricting process with the goal of implementing new school boundaries. All but two elementary schools are at capacity and enrollment is projected to continue to grow over the next decade. The process will involve significant parent and community input through a variety of ways.
In June 2015, the School Board selected an independent third party consultant, Reingold LINK, in collaboration with a Redistricting Steering Committee comprised of three School Board members and senior level staff, to provide guidance and facilitation for a Redistricting Review Committee of 35 parents and community members from across the Division.
Recommendation: The Steering Committee recommends that the School Board review the attached policies.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Julie Crawford - Chief of Student Services, Alternative Programs and Equity
Signed By:
Alvin Crawley - Superintendent